Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

John Woods

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Martin Fowler

If you think it's simple, then you have misunderstood the problem.

Bjarne Stroustrup

Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris.

Larry Wall

Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.

Linus Torvalds

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

Brook's Law

Posts for 2019


App Review: Zombies, Run!
"Functionally, it's like a fitness app had a one-night stand with a radio programme and this is the illegitimate offspring."

Pay Platforms: Provider or Police?
"We need to break out of this childish mentality that bad things are good when done to bad people."

A Change of Perspective with The Look-ahead Strategy
"Your suffering isn't for nothing; all that frustration serves a purpose in the larger picture."

How Apple came to pull the plug on Facebook and Google
"The battle of the tech giants started a while back, but now shots have been fired. And some have landed."

Thoughts about the LearnToCode Hashtag
"Software development is not only about coding (though a sizeable part is) and anyone who thoughtlessly simplifies it to merely 'coding' does us all a disservice."

Film Review: Silicon Valley Season 3
"Silicon Valley finds a clever a natural way to add to the diversity quotient: have an offshore team!"

The Sixth Pillar of Total Defence
"This Sixth Pillar business feels awkward and tacked-on, and is uncannily reminiscent of some backward practices I've observed in companies I've worked in."

Women Can Code, Get Used To It
"That's because software developers are people. And people come in all shapes and sizes."

Five Comparisons Between Contract and Permanent Roles
"Anyone clueless enough to measure your career progress by what's printed on your business card, probably doesn't have anything meaningful to add to the conversation."

Why I don't call myself a Full-stack Developer
"No manager in his right mind is going to place Lionel Messi in defence, Sergio Ramos as central striker, or David Villa in goal."

Fiction Review: The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
"The authors are probably brilliant VPs, Managers and Directors... but they aren't novelists, that's for sure."

Your Place in the Food Chain
"Needing to not starve is a perfectly legitimate reason to do any job."

On the new online laws in Singapore...
"Considering that other countries already have their own laws that lead to Internet censorship, it's really rather surprising that a country as supposedly draconian as Singapore has taken this long to "

FEAR: Forget Everything And Run
"Fear of rejection is arguably more harmful than rejection itself."

App Review: Apocalypse Runner
"The cawing of the crows, the constant sound of rushing water as the tidal wave chases you, the buzzing of saws, the crunch when your avatar runs face-first into a rock outcropping... you're in "

There's working hard... and there's 996
"Any idiot can be hardworking. It is the lowest form of value an employer can expect."

Tough Times Ahead For Huawei?
"China has weathered many a storm over millennia, and this latest thing is merely a blip in a long history full of violence and turmoil."

Ten tech languages that may resemble people you know
"At the heart of it all, JS is one hell of a capable woman who can get serious and professional with you, yet cut loose like a wild thing in a different setting."

The Good Old Variable Swap
"It reinforces my belief that you don't have to be a rocket scientist to learn programming."

Film Review: Silicon Valley Season 4
"The ubiquity of Internet devices is going to play a very big part in this Season as Richard hits his stride..."

An amusing but frustrating JavaScript episode
"Sure, there was some unnecessary concatenation, but since they were split into different lines, I figured it should be harder to screw something up this way."

Fake news? No, fake nudes!
"This app is deeply sexist not because of misogyny. Not because it shows women nude. But because it doesn't do the same for men."

Film Review: Child's Play (2019)
"If you're watching a Chucky movie, plot twists are probably not all that high on your list of priorities."

Factors In Tech Career Progression
"We're talking about an industry where things get outdated quickly and change happens at a breakneck pace. Thus, the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn is vital."

Much Ado About FaceApp
"It's good silly fun, though it was kind of disturbing to see how eerily like dear old Dad I looked when I aged my own photo."

App Review: Sara Is Missing
"From the get-go, you're immersed in a mystery that progressively gets more sinister as the player gets deeper into the storyline."

What I Learned From Playing FIFA 09
"Bosses are in the business of making money. They're not in the business of being fair to their software developers."

On Apple's decision to remove
"Apple isn't interested in protecting the lives of the Hong Kong Police. They're interested in staying on the right side of the law in the territories in which they operate."

An intolerance for the untalented?
"Being paid to code is a privilege that too few people actually try to earn."

Food Delivery hits a PMD-shaped roadblock!
"Remember, one can always ask the Government to help take care of you. But no one takes care of you better than you."

Ways of Using Cascading Style Sheets
"Properly implemented CSS will require a bit more effort up-front, but the maintenance benefits are worth it."

Here's Why You Shouldn't Take Tech Career Advice From Your Friends
"I'm honestly baffled at the number of people who have seen fit to advise me on how to build my career in my own industry without having worked a single day in it."

A collection of technical snippets and ruminations on the web industry and tech in general. Much of it is opinion-based, and as such, I fully expect people to disagree.

As with most opinion-based content, your mileage may vary.


Some posts are more popular than others. Here are what the ratings mean.

All-time high viewership.
Wildly popular.
Decent viewership. Moderate popularity.

Some of these tags crop up frequently. Here's what they mean...

App Review
Where I share my thoughts on certain mobile apps I've used.
Applied Tech
Ruminations on tech happenings around the world and in society, how software technology has impacted us, and whether it's a good or bad thing.
Fiction Review
My findings in tech fiction.
Film Review
Movies or TV shows that revolve around technology.
Life As An Economic Digit
My thoughts on working life, specifically tech working life, though some of it is applicable generally - office politics, code of conduct, career thoughts.
Little fun lists, because thoughts are easier to organize that way.
Profanity Alert
Sometimes the language I use isn't fit for polite company. You've been warned.
On the occasion that I revisit a previous blogpost, or issue a continuation of one.
Reference Review
Sources of information, be they programming books or online video tutorials.
Sexism In Tech
While I'm not a feminist or a raging SJW, I do firmly believe that coding is a gender-neutral pursuit.
Software Review
Mostly desktop software, or any software that isn't a mobile app.
War Stories
Not literally, but anecdotes I recall when I want to make a point.